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Ultrasound in Emergency Situations $15.00
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Ultrasound in Emergency Situations

Ultrasound has many important clinical applications in emergency settings, and can lead to improved patient outcomes. Ultrasound systems are small, lightweight, portable, and durable. Ultrasound can be performed by non-radiology personnel. It is used in trauma and prehospital situations to assist in the triage and transport of patients, and is used to evaluate many body systems and sites of injury. Ultrasound can also be used in pain management procedures and other therapeutic applications. Ultrasound in the emergency setting is prone to error, owing to its large range of applications and the difficulty in assessing patients in emergency situations. Education and training programs will be important for healthcare providers and technologists as the use and application of ultrasound expands in urgent and emergent patient care situations.
ITEM: #1425726
Ultrasound in Emergency Situations
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