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Podcast: Integrating Spaced Retrieval Techniques into Intervention $10.00
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Podcast: Integrating Spaced Retrieval Techniques into Intervention

Spaced retrieval is a type of errorless learning strategy that helps individuals with memory deficits remember new or previously learned material. The process involves repeatedly exposing the individual to the target information, setting up repeated opportunities for practice, and assessing recall after a time interval that gradually lengthens. Spaced retrieval can be used by everyone, including all rehabilitation therapists, nurses, family members, and other caregivers. In this podcast, we talk with Jennifer Brush, dementia care educator, researcher, and author, about how to use the technique in your practice. She is widely known for her innovative work in spaced retrieval memory intervention and pioneered this area of study in speech-language pathology. We share practical examples and discuss how to involve the interdisciplinary team.

ITEM: #1323621
Podcast: Integrating Spaced Retrieval Techniques into Intervention
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