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Relaxation Strategies to Minimize Stress and Anxiety in Individuals with IDD $19.95
Relias Online Modules

Relaxation Strategies to Minimize Stress and Anxiety in Individuals with IDD

Relaxation strategies can be a useful tool for the people you support. These strategies can help people calm down when they are distressed. They can also be an important part of someone's daily routine. In this course, you will learn about how relaxation strategies can benefit the people you support. You will also learn how you can teach and support them to use these tools. Finally, you will learn about specific relaxation strategies that are often helpful for people with IDD.

The goal of this course is to train DSPs in IDD service settings about relaxation strategies and how you can use them to support people with IDD.

ITEM: #1334953
Relaxation Strategies to Minimize Stress and Anxiety in Individuals with IDD
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